Friday, May 15, 2020

The Role of Effective Communication Free Essay Example, 2000 words

I was walking along the beach getting pleasure from the gorgeous sight of the union of the deep blue sea with the infinite color filled sky. What altered my watch was a laugh so near. When I turned back, there was a small kid playing in the sand. I adore these little angels always. I went to him and tried to draw his attention towards me with a Hello , which unfortunately came out as an uproar. Fortunately, he didn t listen to that. Once again I sought his attention from near, this time too carefully with a mild touch not to disturb him. But, he was shocked, stood up fast and started to gaze at me. I was bewildered as I understood I interfered with his fun. My followed expression was not clear to me myself. He moved two steps back, gazed more severely and didn t tell anything. I was in utter confusion and I gestured my question once again. This time the boy set both of his hands on his head expressing a tone of extreme irritation on his face, turned and ran away. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Effective Communication or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page He laughed in a pleasant friendly mood and said, He can t talk to foreigners, he not know the language. I couldn t suppress my laugh and that followed my explanation to the man and friendship with the kid. That instance taught me the lesson that nonverbal communication should be after ensuring the listener s attention. That can help to decode the conveyed idea clearly and easily ( Sole, 2011). To discuss the relationship between culture and communication it is necessary to look into the meaning of culture. The set of traditions, values and beliefs can come under culture. The usual description of culture is the way we do things. Reflecting on and sharing the features of my culture is absolutely interesting for me just as I am so curious to know about your cultures. The ethnic group I belong to is known as Cherokee Indian and Russian. I remember like that of a very recent day about my childhood.

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